Informational Video and Alumni Voices
Eligible students interested in the Third Language Programme offered by the MOELC may wish to watch the informational video at the link below.
Please note the following:
* This video is only intended for Primary 6 students who have been offered an option to take up a third language, as well as their parents.
* The information in the video pertains only to the Third Language programmes offered at the Ministry of Education Language Centre (MOELC).
* Some third languages (i.e. Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese Special Programme, Malay Special Programme) are also offered in other schools and zonal centres. The information in this video does not cover the programmes in these other schools and zonal centres.
*Please do not circulate the video or take photos of it as the students featured are protected by the Personal Data Protection Act
Link to information video:
Link to our anthology Alumni Voices I: Global Citizens (Bridging Cultures, Opening Minds). The anthology features 21 inspiring stories from our alumni. We hope you will be inspired to join us after reading about how learning a Third Language opened up new worlds to them.